We are the Songs of the Universe

Jay Ramalingam
4 min readAug 15, 2020


(Music of Body, Mind and Self — image credit)

Music continues from my previous short blog Plurality of Music or Unity of Vibes?…

Everything seems to be energetic vibrations of points and space all the way down.

Some groups of vibes consonate or dissonate with each other and synthesize new music just as multiple ripples combine to make new patterns.

Music is movement, causing continuous interpenetrating movements.

One music group causes another to morph. When the other music is moved, that causes the first to change in turn.

Representational music synthesized in mind about the body or world is also music.

Even though synthesized symbol cannot be the same as original, it can have the same energetic power to move others.

Music of Feelings about the Body

‘Feelings’ are musical tones synthesized in mind about homeostatic state of body.

This music of positive or negative feelings synthesized are in turn ‘felt’ by the body music, as the body is ‘moved’ by music of feelings.

Negative feelings are dissonant music in the mind. Such dissonant music causes compensatory movements in the physiological music that courses through the physical body music getting it to regain harmony in its homeostatic state.

Music of Perceptions of the World

The process of ‘perception and cognition’ synthesizes mind music about the world. This synthesis is implicitly guided by the music of current feelings about the body’s homeostatic state and also by remembered tunes from the past.

This creative process of perception and cognition amplifies some aspects of the world and attenuates others.

‘Attention’ happens when one particular musical idea from the myriad channels is selected and amplified with the rest of the musical milieu receding in volume. Such a selection for attention happens seemingly at random by the combined effect of all musical notes playing at the time.

This process of perception, cognition and attention, guided by the tunes of feelings and memory, produces affective music of love, greed, anger and fear which have the emotive strength to move the body music.

Deeply affective music is remembered and goes to guide future creative processes.

Music of the Self as the Center

The ‘Self’ is remembered music.

It stands as a constant proxy song for the auto-biographical and evolving history of body and mind, powerfully orienting the creative processes toward itSelf.

The song of the Self is constantly playing and is kept alive through the ebbing and flowing of other synthesized music.

The mind-created music becomes meaningful only from nuanced consonance or dissonance it causes to the Self music, which in turn is well connected with the whole body and mind music.

When the creative process is as if it is with the Self as reference, it makes for the dramatic theater of the mind with a ‘subjective Self’ as the sole audience.

When the creative process is as if it is driven by the Self, it makes for the grand mind music with the Self as the conductor.

When the creative process is as if it is supported by the Self as the very foundation, the Self becomes the most precious and protected music, providing meaning to everything.

Most body and mind music systems in normal states of ‘consciousness’ default to having the Self as sole audience and conductor.

In meditative and flow states, the Self can recede in strength allowing the creative process to play itself out in the theater of the mind, leading the body and mind to experience the grand synthesized music and its affects without the Self as the center.

Song of the Self and the Universe

Who am ‘I’?

‘I’ am the song of the Self, mind and body that the Universe is singing, right here and now, writing this.

‘You’ are another song the Universe is singing, there and then, reading this.

‘You’ and ‘I’ are songs gliding through a sea of songs, in an unbroken continuum of music of the Universe.

Songs have nothing to claim as own except their transient points of view. Songs have no firm standing except in ever-flowing relationships to other songs.

Every vibration is ‘conscious’ of other vibrations in interdependent relationships and interactions.

‘I’ am a very fortunate band of vibes and expressive music. And, ‘I’ am conscious of others in interdependent relationships and musical interactions.

And, only from the musical relationships with others do ‘I’ become conscious of myself.

We are the songs the Universe is singing, expressions of playful energetic vibes of points and space.

We are the expressive Universe.


Inspired by

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras commentary by Satyananda Saraswati

Freedom from the Known by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Ego Tunnel by Dr. Thomas Metzinger

The Strange Order of Things by Dr. Antonio Damasio



Jay Ramalingam
Jay Ramalingam

Written by Jay Ramalingam

All too Human, Engineer, Leader, Yoga Teacher, Ever the Student

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